Our added value: a key to the Middle Kingdom!

For centuries, Chinese people have been calling their country “Zhong Guo” (in Pinyin, which is the Latin alphabet transcription of Chinese characters). It litteraly means “the Middle Kingdom”. It’s long-standing culture of 5000 years, the impact of the communist regime, the deeply rooted Confucian regime and, recently, a complex economic transition from a planned economy to a market economy, are elements that make trade with China an adventurous journey.
In China, the development of new business strategies usually follows these steps:
- preliminary analyses and investment preparation
- start of relationchip in China
- on-site implementation and integration
This process can be both time-consuming and costly. It usually takes expats 12 to 18 months to adapt to the Chinese way of doing business. Our added value will be to guarantee you a fast and low-risk access to the Chinese market.
On-site training and/or coaching
We provide a framework for business development in China by addressing critical aspects of business development. Our trainers have an extensive experience in the Chinese business world and they will help you to overcome your preconceived ideas and the gaps in your understanding of China and the Chinese way of doing business. After the training, participants will have gained a considerable head start and will be adequately prepared to make a smooth entry into the Chinese market.
Customized business solutions
We offer customized business solutions for Belgian and European SMEs that are related to Greenfield investment, to the starting of new activities or production processes through original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). These services are provided by an international team of consultants (China-Belgium-UK) who have accumulated first-hand experience through their collaborations with leading companies in different sectors in China.
Services for Chinese companies: accelerating your international expansion
We can help you achieving your global expansion objective by:
- – Organizing international management courses
- – Introducing you to Western business mentality and etiquette
- – Organizing seminars with potential Belgian partners
The Belgium-China Association was founded in 1957, 14 years before the two countries started their official diplomatic relations. The purpose of the Association has always been to promote China in all its aspects to the Belgian people, and vice versa.
The Business Services Department (BSD) of the Belgium-China Association focuses on the development of business links between the two countries and, with the extension of economic zones, we plan to extend our networks to the Benelux and Greater China regions.
The BSD established, through BCA’s network, relationships with Chinese think-thanks and also with various interest groups in a number of sectors at national and regional level. The BCA also provides a large database with recent economic reports and studies on the Greater China area.
Gert Lambrechts is responsible for the Belgium-China Association in Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao and the Chairman of the Guangdong region is Marc De Schutter.
The BSD prepares and assists businessmen from both regions in their contacts and facilitates commercial procedures. The DSC’s staff comes from very diverse fields, which gives us the advantage of covering many industrial sectors. Each of our consultants has at least one master’s degree from a European university and five years of experience as an expatriate in China at the managerial level. Our Chinese accountant (CPA graduate) will also be available by appointment for more technical assistance in finance. Our Chinese employees can also represent you for tasks that require a physical presence in China, such as an audit of a certain production site.
Pre-investment studies
Market studies and feasibility reports
Entry alternatives
Delimitation of negociation parameters
Interview based pre-entrance coaching
Other customized research/reporting
Feasibility reports
Comparative studies on locations
Requesting a business licence
Training for future expats and courses on relational skills in China
Corporate structure and expat evaluation
Recommendations for corporate governance
China Club
(for Business members only)
Regular meetings to exchange experiences in a more informal way
Regular updates on legal or financial topics
Financial and tax advice
Organization of a sectoral delegation and guided business tour
Peripheral services
Site visit on behalf of the partner company or the financing company
Company audit and quality control
Gestion intérimaire et/ou assistance commerciale
Receiving delegations from China
Language courses for business people
Other specific services can be provided on request
Further information can be obtained by phone or email.
Don’t miss the opportunity to ensure your breakthrough in China!